Family tree
The Structure of the Family
The VON ARNIM family is one of many branches and houses.
It has three main lines, because the three brothers
- Claus, |
- Luedeke and |
- Wilke |
all have posterity till today. They founded the three main lines in 1400 AD. During the centuries they generally had big families and bought more and more properties, the names of which became house and branch names.
Some of those died out with only female descendents, loosing their names by marriage. Still today, all of them feel like an unanimous family entity.
This page presents the main structure to the many subdivisions within the family branches.
The Beginnings |
Main line Zehdenik |
Branch Brandenstein |
Main line Zichow |
Main line Gerswalde |
Detailed information to all members of the family tree you may find in the recently edited volume of
The von Arnim family
Volume V
Family Trees
Edited by the Board of Directors of the VON ARNIM FAMILY ASSOCIATION
Editor for the Board:
Jasper von Arnim, House Suckow-Klemzow
Printed by Degener & Cie., Neustadt/Aisch, 2002