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The von Arnim Foundation

Von Arnimsche Stiftung

The von Arnim family has a long tradition to provide assistance to family members in need of support. Three main periods can be distinguished:

  1. Mutual support to maintain landownership
  2. Mutual support through financial contributions
  3. Financial support going beyond family members.

The first period (1441- 1823) has already been touched upon under the previous chapter (Family history) and which was in response to the then prevailing feudal system.

The third period started with the joining of forces of the 4 existing foundations which all had suffered greatly through war and inflation. But reason prevailed and put together and opening up to other than family members allowed us to obtain the status of a foundation of public benefit. A careful monitoring of the beneficiaries is necessary to make sure, that we keep our status of tax exemption. The new foundation held again the name of „von Arnimsche Stiftung“.
This happened through decision of the family assembly of 1. August 1981. Its legal residence was set in Bonn and therefore the formal authorization was given by the Minister of Interior of the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. According to its rules it provides limited financial support both to family members and to non family members. This latter obligation is being fulfilled through the support of a humanitarian organization, acting in the area of former residence where the majority of the Arnim family lived prior to 1945(Uckermark).This is at the same time a highly appreciated contribution to the social infrastructure in one of the poorest provinces of Germany. Our compliance with the tax rules is being regularly checked by the tax office “Finanzamt für Körperschaften” in Berlin.

Written and translated Ruprecht von Arnim
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