Home Navigationspfeil Introduction

Das Herz an rechter Stelle,
Den Geist in rechter Helle,
Die Augen aufgemacht,
Gehandelt wie gedacht,
Das ist die Heldenkraft,
Die alle Siege schafft.

Im Glücke nichts vergessen,
Im Siege nicht vermessen,
Im Unglück unverzagt,
Gewagt und nicht geklagt,
Das ist der gute Sinn,
Der sichert den Gewinn.

In Mühe unverdrossen,
Im Mangel froh genossen,
Was uns noch übrig bleibt,
Das ist‘s was Zeit vertreibt.
Wer nicht die Sorg entläßt,
Den hält die Krankheit fest.
Ludwig Achim von Arnim (1781 – 1831) Achim von Arnim
Source: "Die Appelmänner"
Bibliothek Deutsche Klassiker, Book 5

On the following pages we would like to give you a comprehensive overview of the von Arnim family and its history.

While many pages are accessible to anyone, this website and the information provided is also an important platform to allow communication between family members - thus several areas are password protected.
Family members can request the password from the webmaster (see impressum). As a matter of course this password should only be passed on to those authorized.

The page ‘Family news’ contains information on
- up-to-date postal addresses,
- the content of our newsletter ‘Arnim Nachrichten’,
- family meetings,
- family announcements and memorial days,
- youth activities.

In the free-access areas of our website, you will find information on
- our organisation and
- history
- individual persons
- literature from and about the Arnims, as well as
- newspaper articles and much more.

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